Monday, April 17, 2023

Love of Worms = Dream Life?!!

There have been many years that I've searched for something that I like to do that can also make me money.

As an aging man, I am also more aware of the importance of health. The youthful spirit that gets you up at 5 a.m. to go work for someone else's wealth with vigor and excitement even though you didn't get to sleep until 3 a.m., has turned into something else.

The never-ending desire for massive wealth is alive and well in me. However, the need for health is more in view than ever before.

Worms and caring for them is interesting to my inquisitive science brain and there is a big enough market in the health niche to carve out a market for me to profit.
I see a potential crossover into internet marketing, credit repair, business credit, and real estate investing - all with worm farming!

The past year or so has been a learning experience and a huge failure as far as making money goes.

During that time I exploded my worm farm population with minimal effort.

What does that mean for making money online?

- Good Question!

You see, over the last couple of decades I have been obsessed with making easy money and it eludes me like the fountain of youth!

I have picked up huge tidbits of useful information along the way.

For this worm farming escapade, I have found something that may unlock the retirement wealth I've been after since my 20's!

The answers lie in business credit.

It seems like common knowledge now that business credit is the answer to unlocking access to massive amounts of cheap credit, or money, depending on how you want to think about it.

That leads to my other passions - online money making and content for a secondary business and possibly a tertiary one too...

This is the area where I find my greatest weakness, MAKE A DECISION!

I see this grandiose money-making conglomeration and I try to map it out and make it run smoothly before taking action to see what is really going to happen and end up spoiling the whole thing before making any part of it work.

This blog is part of a bigger system and I want all my blogs and systems to work together and integrate seamlessly.

In order to be successful (this is another product and income stream that this sentence is part of should I so choose) I am focusing on creating a working system that has a set of daily activities to make it work.

I am closing in on a system that works for me and my goals as a worm farmer.

In the next 3 weeks, as I work the system I have planned, I will have an idea of the output of my system and a new plan for moving forward as planned or the adjustments necessary to get the output I desire.

Before I start I also have the opportunity to get worms listed for sale on eBay. I have enough of a supply to sell a few online and be able to continue farming them for future sales too.

Once a few sales have occurred I will start building a business credit profile and start applying for business credit.

By the end of this year, I should have access to decent-sized lines of credit, my personal credit will be impeccable and my dream of owning passive real estate investments will be on its way to fruition!

I am starting here, on this blog, on this platform to show that it is possible to take what you know and like to do and turn it into a wildly profitable enterprise that brings your dreams into your reality.

Sell Worms, Get Free Castings!

 It's been a long time and a lot of things have happened to my worms in that time. I am back at it with an intent to make a profit selling my excess.

In order to produce massive castings I am in need of many thousands of worms. The food to feed all these worms, in a form that is easy for them to process into nutrient-rich plant food, costs money.

The worms that process the organic matter for the garden are valuable.

By setting up a castings factory I am also able to simultaneously produce massive amounts of worms, enough to sell and make money to feed the rest.

Actually, I want to do more experiments and I want to have a shop or a business that sells worms and related products.

I am going to develop a simple system that both produces worms for sale and castings for my personal needs.

I may be able to sell some of my harvests of worms and maybe even some of the bedding that is what grows my next round of worms.

As of today, it is going to take me approximately 1 month to have worms to take to market.

I have enough worms now but I don't have a system to grow them and have a solid plan for raising the next generation.

I am going to explain in words for now what I am doing to raise my worms for selling on ebay.

These are compost worms. I have never used them for fishing but they may work.

I raise them for their castings. I can buy bedding, food, and amendments for them with the money I make selling them.

With the compost systems I am running, I should have plenty of food to keep the worms healthy but it doesn't make a uniform product until I have a good system in place to have the compost finish and be harvestable.

Let me explain better, I have been just feeding a bin that hadn't been fed for a while and all the bins are a mix of finished and unfinished compost.

I am focusing on growing worms for sale.

I am starting bedding composed of peat moss and Kellog's brand garden soil.

I am adding some oyster shells, kelp meals, alfalfa meals, rock dust, and crustacean shell meal.

I have a 2-gallon pot that I use to measure out a 50/50 mixture of garden soil and peat moss. I then add one handful each of the mentioned amendments and sometimes others.

As I build my bins up to be more of a system that produces more castings that are easier to harvest I will be using more and more of my own homemade compost. I can use more castings all the time and they are valuable. It isn't very cost effective to be shipping compost all over the place but the worms I will be naturally producing can be shipped and reproduced over and over again easily. That way all the castings can be produced on site.

By going over each task that I do and why I am doing it I will help myself better define my tasks and make my systems more effective but also show others what works and what to avoid.

I have been raising worms for many years and I know what they are capable of. I have never organized my processes to fully take advantage of their casting producing abilities or their rapid reproduction to be able to sell either.

I now have a solid plan to produce all the castings I could possibly need and have enough worms to sell to be able to feed them enough to produce all the castings I need. 

I don't have a scale yet to see how much vermicompost I need but I have a plan to get a product. It will be at least 3 weeks before I have anything ready for harvest.

I am putting together a plan for the bedding I am creating and how I am going to implement it.

While thicker stems and seeds may take extra long to break down it is still easier to work with the worms when they are large and the medium is uniform.

I mean, I don't want to be digging through rotten pumpkins and bananas while separating my worms from their bedding and cocoons.

The worms in the breeder bins that are being grown for sale and breeding will be fed a different diet than the worms composting my kitchen scraps and junk mail.

The compost will eventually be mixed in with bedding and eventually processed through the breeder bins too.

I don't know yet how I am going to separate the cocoons from the castings. I may have to process the cocoons differently after they've been through the same bedding a few times. Or, it may end up working itself out as I mix in bedding and separate them out. It may be possible to sell the bedding full of cocoons at some point too.

I am still working out a good system to sort out the Worm Factory trays too.

I have 2 worm factories and 8 total trays. I am looking at dumping 1 tray into my black bin, and filling it with another black bin's contents.

After I've filled the 4 trays of one farm I'll begin filling the next 4, 1 per day.

At the same time, I will begin dumping one tray, from the oldest tray to the newest, at a rate of one per day.

I may start filling the trays with one part of my bedding mix and one part compost bins mixture.

That way, when the fourth tray is dumped in I can start using that mix to supplement for the garden soil in order to get my bins processed into black gold for my garden.

After it goes through my breeder bins 3 or 4 times it should be ready to be put in the garden.