Thursday, August 28, 2014

How I Am Using Redworms In My Garden

Let me start out by saying that I am a fan of a well fed worm trench system. My garden has begun to grow since I dug the trench and began adding manure to it. The key seems to be the manure. Now that I've had some slight success with the trench I've decided to create a series of garden beds that all utilize the same worm trench.

I dug a trench, that may need to be resized, that will have a 4' x 4' garden bed butted up to it. I will have another one next to it with a small 18" path between them. Opposite these beds, across the trench I will mirror this setup. I plan on having 18" paths between all my gardens. If I have enough room I am going to duplicate the trench and pattern of garden beds. I will plant in this setup and feed the worms more often and see if I can't grow some really nice veggies and some sweet fruits.

Meanwhile I've got two stackable worm bins and an old couch frame made into a three chambered on the ground bin. The stackable bins are doing the best right now. The on ground bin is getting attacked by large scavengers and making a mess. I should put a cover of some sort. I can do that today. It's just so hot out today. I will wait til this evening. Don't worry, the worms have shade all day,they are doing fine.

I haven't really checked the trench for worms, I have just noticed that the additions of cow manure have seemed to shrink into the pile pretty quickly. I need to add more soon. I have to go next door and pick up some free horse manure this weekend. That should keep them fed for a month or so. If not I can just go next door and get some more. Three horses work up a good pile to feed a lot of worms. I wonder how large a population that source alone could maintain. I guess a few months will tell. I wonder how long it will take for them to catch up. I wonder if I should weigh each time I feed them or just wait and let the worms catch up to the food source.

I think I've been under feeding my worms. They were growing and there were tons of them. I've spread them out quite a bit but I have been consolidating lately. I like having less bins to manage. It is easier to put food in one place than to try to remember whose been fed and who has been neglected. I know it is not too difficult to make a schedule and get a good feel for when they need food. It is just a matter of deciding when to do it.

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